Measurement Planning
We help businesses implement measurement plans to gather data on how potential customers interact with their brand online. This data enables us to answer key questions, empowering business owners to make informed decisions.
Do You Know Your Numbers?
Do you know where people are finding your business online? Do you know how potential customers are interacting with your website? Do you know what traffic sources generated leads for your business?
Who Provides Your Data Insights?
Knowing numbers is one thing; understanding what they mean is another. When you add multiple platforms, softwares, and marketing channels, interpreting your data becomes even more complex. Do you have someone who can explain the data in a way that gives you valuable insights?
Are you committing "Random Acts of Marketing?"
If you don't know your numbers or understand your data, you're likely engaging in 'Random Acts of Marketing.' Without knowing what's driving changes in leads, you can't make informed decisions to optimize your marketing efforts.
The Measurement
Marketing Mindset
Think of the interactions your potential customers have online with your brand as conversations. For a conversation to go smoothly, there needs to be a balance between Listening and Responding. Measurement is how you Listen to your potential customers, while Marketing is how you Respond to them.
With an ever changing digital landscape measurement should be thought of as a marketing department, not just a one-time project. It's something that needs to be planned, built, launched, then optimized over time.
Are we a good fit?
You are curious how customers are finding your business online.
You'd like a partner to help you understand what all the data means.
You want to better understand the return you’re getting for your marketing investments.
You want to make decisions that are informed by data.
You have a website that promotes your products/services.
You have social media accounts for your business.
You’d like a system to quantify/qualify leads for your business.
You’re confused/overwhelmed by the online tools available.
You’re looking for a Do-It-Yourself solution.
You’re looking for a short-term fix.
You’re not willing to test & try new things.
You don’t have a dedicated marketing budget for your business.